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The Kaivalya Upaniṣhad is a small but one of the most valuable among the minor Upaniṣhads belonging to the Atharva Vēdā. It is a discussion between the great sage Āṣvalāyana and Brahmāji himself and is clear, concise, poetic an, at the same time, profoundly philosophical. It contains the essence of Vedanta philosophy. This Upaniṣad is called Kaivalya because it reveals ātmā, also known as kevalaḥ, which in Sanskrit means advaitam - non-dual, without a second, or matchless.


The weekly online (Zoom) classes are on Wednesday evenings starting at 7.30pm with questions from the previous week’s class, followed by an hour of teaching and then finished with a Q&A. The classes are recorded and the class video and audio are distributed to the attendees. A transcript is
also circulated. This allows for absent members to catch up as well as review what was in the last class.A WhatsApp group allows class participants to share views and raise questions. Ram is
also available via email and (if the need arises) via phone.


Weekly classes start: Wednesday 29 January @ 7.30pm
Each class costs £8 and is paid for in blocks of 7 classes at £56 a block.

Classes may be booked here
Zoom details will be sent on registration.
The course is open to both new and old students and a detailed introduction will be given.
(All proceeds go directly to Arshakula Foundation, the UK Charity which runs the annual World Yōga Festival.)

Kaivalya Upaniṣhad Block 2 (7 Classes)


    © 2024  by Arshakula Foundation

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